HRE PTA Mission Statement
Holly Ridge Elementary PTA consists of parents, teachers, business leaders and community members united for successful children and youth. Holly Ridge Elementary PTA Goals The goals of your Holly Ridge Elementary PTA are to: 1. Strengthen our PTA through inclusion and by identifying and communicating needs, providing direction, encouragement, and an environment of cooperation and FUN!!! 2. Develop leaders for continued PTA service at our school. 3. Serve our children by promoting and assisting the organization of HRE PTA activities. Provide information and serve as a liaison among parents, administration and other cooperative agencies, and by uniting the planning efforts to address school-wide issues. 4. Advocate for ALL children in our school community by providing opportunities where parents, school leaders and the community can address and solve child-related community-wide concerns. These 4 goals are based on the Wake County Council objectives as outlined by NC PTA. As the executive board continues its work this year, we will be evaluating and implementing our programs and roles within our school and the community through these goals. |